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Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

SAIT – Virtual reality brings water management to life

Hear the words “virtual reality” and you might think video games, like Pokémon GO or Beat Saber. At SAIT, virtual reality is a tool for learning, it’s used to expand knowledge, dial up comprehension and boost confidence. 

Using virtual reality, students in SAIT’s Integrated Water Management program take virtual tours, practice critical skills, such as measuring the velocity of a river, or dive into complex data analysis using Oculus Quest headsets.

“We want to prepare our students for what’s next, and familiarize them with tools that are at the forefront of technology,” says Pablo Pina, Academic Chair of SAIT’s water sustainability programs. “Not only will they be prepared to enter into rewarding careers responding to local and global water concerns, they’ll also be equipped with digital literacy skills that are either on par or ahead of current industry standards.”

Get a glimpse inside the goggles and see how SAIT’s Integrated Water Management program features virtual reality as part of the learning process.

Learn more here


Image de Regina Foisey

Regina Foisey

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