As the Cascadia region anticipates welcoming as many as 4 million more people in the coming decades, cities, businesses and post-secondary institutions across the Pacific Northwest are exploring how to work together to build more modern, sustainable communities. Through meaningful partnerships, municipalities, citizens and local industries can create more livable urban spaces and close their sustainability gaps. The Cascadia Corridor has already embarked on shared sustainability endeavours such as the Pacific Coast Collaborative and the Hydrogen Highway. How do we continue to advance partnerships and participation in the development of the future?
Join the Cascadia Innovation Corridor Community on Tuesday, May 18th for a conversation on developing more sustainable cities and the training and educational tools available to support those efforts, including micro-credentialing. Speakers include the Manager of Municipal Programs at the Centre for Ecocities at the B.C. Institute of Technology, Cora Hallsworth. Cora will introduce the concept of modern ecocities and bridge into a discussion among city sustainability leaders, industry and educators from B.C., Washington and Oregon on new approaches and ways to collaborate to achieve shared sustainability goals. Cora is speaking on behalf of previously announced Dr. Jennie Moore who unfortunately is now unable to attend. See the full list of speakers below.
Speakers include:
Visit for the most up-to-date speakers list and event details. |